Choosing The Rig's Camera Move

The rig tries to match its camera's position and orientation to that of the MiloGoal node. The MiloGoal node is (and must remain) a child of the Milo node. By default it's orientation is controlled by the MiloGoalTarget node but this can be deleted and the MiloGoal orienttation set directly. The nodes can be seen by expanding the Milo node in Maya's outliner:

  1. Select Window -> Outliner from the main menu to show the outliner.
  2. Find the Milo node and click on the + to expand one level.
Outliner and expanded milo node

The rig can be moved in realtime by selecting then translating or rotating either the MiloGoal or MiloGoalTarget. The rig can be animated by either animating these two nodes or by constraining them to other, already animated, nodes, i.e. a camera and/or camera target. Use the Constrain -> Point or Constrain -> Orient menu items (while in Animation mode) to contrain the MiloGoal nodes (select them last) to other nodes (select them first). You will need to use the option boxes in the menu items to make sure the 'maintain offset' checkbox is deselected and that you add a 90 degree rotation to any camera orient constraints - Maya cameras look along the negative z axis and Mark Robert's cameras (including the virtual Milo) look along the positive x axis.

Orient constraint options

To constrain the MiloGoal orientation to the orientation of another node you will must first delete the MiloGoalTarget node.

The MiloGoal nodes can be unconstrained by selecting their translate and/or rotate attributes in the Channel Editor and selecting 'Break Connections' from the context menu (right click).

Removing constraints